What is defect management?


What is Defect Management?



Before discussing how to improve defect management through a checklist-based testing approach, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what defect management entails. Defect management is a crucial process in software development that involves identifying, prioritizing, tracking, and resolving defects or issues that arise during testing to ensure high-quality software. Different testing techniques, including manual, automated, and exploratory testing, can be used to identify defects. Once a defect is detected, it must be documented, assigned, and tracked until it is resolved.


The defect management process must involve effective communication and collaboration among different teams, including development and testing, to achieve successful outcomes. Effective defect management can result in timely, within-budget, and high-quality delivery of software products. However, high defect rejection rates can lead to wasted time and effort for both the development and testing teams and result in a lack of confidence in the software team’s ability to understand requirements and validate functional and non-functional aspects of the software.However, by using a defect review checklist, teams can reduce the rejection ratio of defects and improve the overall quality of their software.

What is a defect review checklist?

A defect review checklist is a tool that testers use to evaluate defects and ensure that they meet specific criteria. By reviewing each defect and checking it against the items on the checklist, testers can ensure that defects are clearly described, reproducible, and properly documented. This leads to better communication with developers and a higher likelihood of defects being resolved in a timely manner.

How to use a checklist for reviewing defects?


Beniefts of using defect review checklist


To use a checklist for reviewing defects, start by creating a customized checklist that is tailored to the specific software being tested and its unique requirements. The checklist should include all necessary steps for identifying, tracking, prioritizing, and resolving defects or issues found during testing. During the review process, the tester should follow each step systematically and document the results. The checklist can be updated regularly to reflect changes in software requirements and features. Using a customized checklist can help to ensure that all necessary steps are taken and important details are not missed during defect triage. Several best practices needs to be followed while using checklist and you can find them in the article  Common Mistakes to Avoid in Checklist Based Testing . Here are some of the key items that should be included in a defect review checklist:


1. Is the defect clearly described and easy to reproduce?

This is one of the most important items on the checklist. If a defect is not clearly described or cannot be reproduced, it can be difficult for developers to understand the issue and fix it. Testers should ensure that each defect is described in detail and that the steps to reproduce it are clear and concise.


2. Does the defect cause a critical failure or is it a minor issue?

It is important to prioritize defects based on their severity and impact on the system. Critical failures should be addressed immediately, while minor issues can be addressed later.


3. Has the defect been previously reported and documented?

If a defect has already been reported and documented, it is important to link the new defect to the existing one. This helps to avoid duplicate work and ensures that all related defects are addressed together.


4. Does the defect occur consistently or intermittently?

It is important to determine whether a defect occurs consistently or intermittently. This information can help developers to narrow down the root cause of the defect and find a solution more quickly.


5. Is there any evidence of the defect in the system logs or error messages?

System logs and error messages can provide valuable information about the cause of a defect. Testers should ensure that they review these logs and messages and include any relevant information in the defect report.


6. Are there spelling or grammatical errors in the defect summary or details?

Spelling and grammatical errors can make it difficult for developers to understand the defect. Testers should ensure that they proofread the defect report and correct any errors before submitting it.


7. Is the defect related to a specific module or feature of the system?

By identifying the module or feature that the defect is related to, developers can quickly determine where to focus their efforts and find a solution more quickly.


8. Has the defect been assigned to the correct team or individual for resolution?

Assigning defects to the correct team or individual is important to ensure that they are addressed in a timely manner. Testers should ensure that they assign each defect to the appropriate person or team based on their expertise and availability.


9. Has the defect been prioritized according to its severity and impact on the system?

As mentioned earlier, it is important to prioritize defects based on their severity and impact on the system. This helps to ensure that critical issues are addressed first and that minor issues are addressed later.


10. Has a workaround been identified for the defect, if possible?

If a workaround is available for a defect, testers should include it in the defect report. This can help to minimize the impact of the defect while a permanent solution is being developed.


11. Has the defect been linked to any related defects or issues?

Linking related defects or issues together can help to ensure that they are addressed together and that all relevant information is taken into account.


12. Is the version of the application tested clearly documented?

Documenting the version of the application being tested is crucial for effective defect management. This information helps the development team to quickly identify the specific build of the application in which the defect was discovered. It also enables testers to confirm whether the issue still exists in subsequent builds or if it has been resolved.


13. Is the defect linked to a test case run?

Linking the defect to a specific test case run provides valuable information for the development team. It helps them to reproduce the issue and investigate the cause of the defect more effectively. Additionally, it assists the team in determining if the test case itself needs to be updated or modified to prevent similar defects from occurring in the future.


14. Is the browser and mobile version clearly documented in case of digital applications?

For digital applications, it’s important to document the browser and mobile version being tested. This information is necessary to determine if the defect is browser or device-specific. For example, a defect may only occur on a certain version of Chrome, but not on other browsers.


15. Is the test data that is used for testing clearly documented?

Documenting the test data used during testing is crucial in order to identify the root cause of the defect. Test data can be used to reproduce the defect and validate that the issue has been resolved. It can also help in identifying any patterns or trends in the defects discovered during testing.




Defect Review Checklist




What are the key benefits?


Defect Review Checklist Sample




By utilizing a comprehensive defect review checklist, teams can reduce the number of defects that are rejected during the defect triage process. This helps in streamlining the process of defect resolution and ensures that the team is working on high-priority and high-impact defects. In turn, this can help in improving the quality of the product being developed and reducing the overall cost of development.In conclusion, defect review is an essential part of the software testing process. By utilizing a checklist, teams can ensure that all critical aspects of the defect are reviewed and documented. This helps in reducing the time and effort required for defect resolution and ultimately improves the quality of the software being developed.





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