End to End TEsting Example Workflow

End to End Testing Challenges: Strategies and Solutions





What is End to End Testing in Sofware Testing?


End to End Testing plays a vital role in ensuring the seamless functioning of complex systems. However, it comes with its fair share of challenges. From data discrepancies to parallel testing issues, E2E testing can be a daunting task. This article addresses the common challenges faced during E2E testing and proposes effective solutions to overcome them.

1. Data Inconsistencies in End to End Testing:


E2E Testing Problem:

Downstream and upstream systems use distinct data for testing in the same release.


E2E Testing Solution:

Establish test data requirements early on and identify comprehensive end-to-end test data. Collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure the data covers all valid test cases for downstream testing. This upfront planning minimizes rework and last-minute data load activities.


End to End Testing Example:

Suppose an e-commerce application is being tested where the inventory management system is integrated with the order processing system. In this case, the test data should include various scenarios such as product availability, stock levels, and customer orders that accurately represent real-world scenarios. By gathering the necessary test data and aligning it between the upstream and downstream systems, testers can ensure consistent and reliable results.



2. Changing End-to-End Test Environments:


E2E Testing Problem:

Downstream systems requesting test environment changes during testing.


E2E Testing Solution:

Define and establish the test environments for E2E testing before commencing test execution. Clear communication and coordination among teams ensure a stable testing environment throughout the process.


End to End Testing with Example:

Consider a scenario where a banking application is being tested, involving multiple systems such as the core banking system, customer relationship management (CRM) system, and payment gateway. To avoid disruptions caused by changing test environments, a designated test environment for each system should be set up and communicated to all teams involved. This ensures that the environment remains stable during E2E testing, minimizing delays and issues related to environmental changes.


3. Parallel Functional Testing:


E2E Testing Problem:

Redundancy and duplicate defect reporting due to parallel testing by upstream and downstream systems.


E2E Testing Solution:

Implement a phased approach to E2E testing where predecessor applications complete validation before successor applications begin testing. This approach reduces rework, redundancy, and ensures a streamlined testing process.


End to End Testing with Example:

In a software application that involves multiple modules or components, such as a healthcare system with modules for patient registration, appointment scheduling, and medical records, it is essential to prioritize the sequence of testing.

By testing the patient registration module first, ensuring its stability and accuracy, and then proceeding to test the subsequent modules, such as appointment scheduling and medical records, teams can prevent redundancy and duplicate defect reporting. This phased approach ensures that defects are identified and resolved efficiently, reducing rework and ensuring a smoother E2E testing process.


4. Incorrect Expectations Around End to End Testing:


E2E Testing Problem:

Downstream systems expect incorrect results due to a lack of understanding of application changes.


E2E Testing Solution:

Foster a knowledgeable and cross-functional team that understands all application areas. By having team members with expertise in different domains, they can accurately interpret expected results and differentiate between valid defects and expected mismatches.


End to End Testing Example:

Consider a system upgrade where the payment gateway integration has undergone changes. The downstream system, such as the finance department, may have incorrect expectations about the format or processing of payment transactions.

By having team members with a deep understanding of both the upstream and downstream systems, they can provide guidance and clarification to the downstream teams, ensuring a shared understanding of the application changes. This knowledge exchange helps in setting accurate expectations, reducing confusion, and improving the efficiency of E2E testing.



5. Inadequate Test Data for End-to-End Testing:


E2E Testing Problem:

The provided test data may not cover all valid test cases for downstream testing.


E2E Testing Solution:

Make test data gathering a collaborative effort involving all teams. By including all test cases during the planning stage, the coverage of valid test scenarios improves, reducing the need for additional iterations and last-minute adjustments.


End to End Testing Example:

Imagine an airline reservation system being tested, where downstream systems such as the flight booking system, passenger information system, and payment gateway need comprehensive test data. The testing team, along with representatives from each system, can collaborate to identify various scenarios, including different flight routes, passenger profiles, and payment scenarios.

By collectively gathering and incorporating all relevant test cases during the planning stage, the test data becomes more comprehensive and representative of real-world scenarios. This collaborative effort minimizes rework and ensures that downstream systems are thoroughly tested.



E2E Testing Key Inferences:


End-to-end testing is crucial for ensuring the reliability and functionality of complex systems. By addressing and overcoming the challenges mentioned above, organizations can streamline their E2E testing processes. By establishing comprehensive test data, stable test environments, and adopting a phased approach, teams can minimize rework, enhance accuracy, and ensure successful E2E testing. Emphasizing collaboration, knowledge sharing, and proactive planning are key to conquering E2E testing challenges and delivering high-quality software products.



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